BCP Report Template Instructions


To insert data from your BIA into a Microsoft Word document, you need to use the following codes. Instructions on how to use each code is included below, with an example available to download in the link in Step 1 above.

How to insert a structured table of data, with multiple columns and rows
In your word document, create and format a table that has at least one row and one column.

Before the table, enter the appropriate code that relates to the data you would like to insert into the table:

Inside the first column of the table, insert the following code ( ${iterable-row} ) followed by the first data variable you would like to insert into the first column. For example:

Insert as many variables you would like in other columns of the same row. After the end of the table, insert the following closing statement (note: it is the exact same code to start, but with a “/” at the beginning of the code).

Refer to the downloadable template as an example.

Sort Order for dependencies_s1 sequence is By Process Name ASC, By Process Criticality ASC, By Dependency Name ASC

Sort Order for applications_s1 sequence is By Process Name ASC, By Process Criticality ASC, By Application Name ASC
How to insert unstructured, repeatable blocks data
The follow codes allow you to enter a set of data into a word document without using a table.

To start the area where you would like to insert data, use the opening code relating to the set of data you would like to insert.

Format and insert variables into the word document in any way you see fit.

Refer to the variables available below.

Mark the end of the block of data, insert the following closing statement (note: it is the exact same code to start, but with a “/” at the beginning of the code).

Refer to the downloadable template as an example.

Sort Order for dependencies_s1 loop is By Process Name ASC, By Process Criticality ASC, By Dependency Name ASC

Sort Order for applications_s1 loop is By Process Name ASC, By Process Criticality ASC, By Application Name ASC


BIA Variables

These variables can be inserted anywhere within the Microsoft Word document template without needing to use the Merge Fields above. They do not repeat or iterate.

Process | Location | External Third Party / Vendor | IT Application Variables

These variables must be used inside the Merge Fields, as instructed above.

New fields or changes are highlighted in yellow

BIA [ Order: No order ]

${name} BIA Name
${bia_owner} BIA owner
${business_unit} The name of the business unit
${departments} The name of the department(s)
${teams} The name of the organisational team(s)
${geographies} The name of the geography(ies)
${meetup_location} Meetup location details
${teleconf_details} Teleconference Details
${published_by} Published By
${published_at} Date when BIA was published/approved

Processes [ Order: Max Criticality ASC ]

${title} The title of the key process
${description} The process summary / Strategy
${owner} The process owner
${performed_by} Indicator whether the process is performed internally or externally
${performed_by_external} Name of external organisation responsible for executing this process
${bau_criticality} The business as usual level of criticality
${bau_time_criticality} The business as usual level of time criticality
${bau_impact_category} The business as usual impact category
${bau_impact_category_comments} The business as usual impact category comment
${is_peak} Have different criticality during peak seasons? (yes/no)
${peak_season} Peak seasons (months)
${peak_details} Detail on peak seasons
${peak_criticality} The peak season level of criticality
${peak_time_criticality} The peak season level of time criticality
${peak_impact_category} The peak impact category
${peak_impact_category_comments} The peak impact category additional comment
${max_criticality} The max level of criticality across BAU/peak
${max_time_criticality} The max level of time criticality across BAU/peak
${bia} The name of the BIA
${business_unit} The name of the business unit
${department} The name of the department(s)
${org_team} The name of the organisational team(s)
${geography} The name of the geography(ies)
${key_process_attachments} Hyperlinks to process attachments
${has_critical_operations} Indicator if key process has critical operations
${critical_ops_category_table:<font_size>:<font_name>:<bold>:<borderColor>:<borderSize>} The critical operation category and critical operations in a separate table.

All attributes (<font_size>,<font_name>, <bold>, <borderColor> and <borderSize>) are mandatory

<font_size>10a integer value example: 10
<font_name>calibrithe name of the font example: calibri
Use the default to use the font from table this table is embedded in.
<bold>trueeither true or false
<borderColor>000000the color of the border in RGB Hex notation i.e 000000 for black or ff0000 for red
<borderSize>1the width of the border; use 0 for no border
Example: ${critical_ops_category_table:10:calibri:true:000000:1}
${locations} Comma separated list of locations for the key process.

Key Process - Critical Operations

${key_process} Key Process Name
${max_criticality} The max level of criticality across BAU/peak
${max_time_criticality} The max level of time criticality across BAU/peak
${has_critical_ops} Indicator if key process has critical operations
${critical_operation_category} Critical Operation Category
${critical_operation_category_time_criticality} Critical Operation Category Time Criticality
${critical_operation_category_owner} Critical Operation Category Owner
${critical_operation_category_criticality} Critical Operation Category Criticality
${critical_operation_category_impact} Critical Operation Category Impact Category
${critical_operation} Critical Operation
${critical_operation_owner} Critical Operation Owner
${critical_operation_time_criticality} Critical Operation Time Criticality
${critical_operation_criticality} Critical Operation Criticality
${critical_operation_impact_category} Critical Operation Impact Category
${critical_operation_impact} Critical Operation Impact i.e. Internal, External or Internal and External

Response Team [ Order: Response Team/Team Role/Team Member Priority ]

${response_team} Name of Response Team
${role} Role
${primary_alternate} Primary or Alternate
${name} Name
${mobile} Mobile Number (Work)
${mobile_personal} Mobile Number (Personal
${landline} Landline Number
${email} Email
${occupation} Job Title
${bia} The name of the BIA
${business_unit} The name of the business unit
${department} The name of the department(s)
${org_team} The name of the organisational team(s)
${geography} The name of the geography(ies)
${is_critical} Critical Contact Indicator

Internal and External Third Parties / Vendors [ Order: Process Criticality ASC, Dependency Name ASC ]

${process} Process name
${max_criticality} The max level of criticality of associated key process
${max_time_criticality} The max level of time criticality of associated key process
${internal_external} Internal or External
${title} Dependency name (title)
${reliance} Reliance Level
${description} Description of service provided
${contact_name} Contact Name
${contact_first_name} Contact First Name
${contact_last_name} Contact Last Name
${contact_number} Contact Number - Number chosen by the first number available in this order: mobile->work->home
${contact_mobile} Contact Mobile Number
${contact_phone_home} Contact Home Number
${contact_phone_work} Contact Work Number
${contact_email} Contact Email
${contact_name_number} Contact Name and Number
${contact_name_email} Contact Name and Email
${contact_name_number_email} Contact Name, Number and Email
${internal_dependency_type} The Internal Dependency Type
${bia} The name of the BIA
${business_unit} The name of the business unit
${department} The name of the department(s)
${org_team} The name of the organisational team(s)
${geography} The name of the geography(ies)
${dependency_attachments} Hyperlinks to dependency attachments

Internal Dependencies [ Order: Dependency Name ASC ]

${process} Process name
${max_criticality} The max level of criticality of associated key process
${max_time_criticality} The max level of time criticality of associated key process
${internal_external} Internal or External
${title} Dependency name (title)
${reliance} Reliance Level
${description} Description of service provided
${internal_dependency_type} The Internal Dependency Type
${bia} The name of the BIA
${business_unit} The name of the business unit
${department} The name of the department(s)
${org_team} The name of the organisational team(s)
${geography} The name of the geography(ies)
${dependency_attachments} Hyperlinks to dependency attachments

External Third Parties / Vendors [ Order: Dependency Name ASC ]

${process} Process name
${max_criticality} The max level of criticality of associated key process
${max_time_criticality} The max level of time criticality of associated key process
${internal_external} Internal or External
${title} Dependency name (title)
${reliance} Reliance Level
${description} Description of service provided
${contact_name} Contact Name
${contact_first_name} Contact First Name
${contact_last_name} Contact Last Name
${contact_number} Contact Number - Number chosen by the first number available in this order: mobile->work->home
${contact_mobile} Contact Mobile Number
${contact_phone_home} Contact Home Number
${contact_phone_work} Contact Work Number
${contact_email} Contact Email
${contact_name_number} Contact Name and Number
${contact_name_email} Contact Name and Email
${contact_name_number_email} Contact Name, Number and Email
${internal_dependency_type} The Internal Dependency Type
${bia} The name of the BIA
${business_unit} The name of the business unit
${department} The name of the department(s)
${org_team} The name of the organisational team(s)
${geography} The name of the geography(ies)
${dependency_attachments} Hyperlinks to dependency attachments

IT Applications [ Order: Process Max Time Criticality Order ASC, Application Name ASC ]

${process} Process Name
${title} IT Application Name
${description} Application Description
${it_app_business_owner} Business Owner
${it_app_technology_owner} Technology Owner
${it_app_id} Application ID
${it_app_hosting_location} Hosting Location
${it_app_management} Management
${it_app_vendor} Vendor
${it_app_notes} Notes
${max_criticality} The max level of criticality of associated key process
${max_time_criticality} The max level of time criticality of associated key process
${rto} Process Recovery Time Objective
${it_app_rto_actual} Application Recovery Time Objective Actual
${it_app_rto_target} Application Recovery Time Objective Target
${rpo} Process Recovery Point Objective
${it_app_rpo_actual} Application Recovery Point Objective Actual
${it_app_rpo_target} Application Recovery Point Objective Target
${manual_workaround} Manual Workaround
${bia} The name of the BIA
${business_unit} The name of the business unit
${department} The name of the department(s)
${org_team} The name of the organisational team(s)
${geography} The name of the geography(ies)
${application_attachments} Hyperlink to application attachments

Workplaces [ Order: BAU Workplace Title ASC]

${title} The title of the BAU workplace
${processes} The processes performed at the workplace
${bau_staff} Number of staff for normal operation
${bau_additional_comments} BAU additional comments
${remote} Can staff work from home?
${remote_table} Number of people working from home over time (table)
${remote_staff} Number of staff working from home
${remote_staff_percentage} % these staff with remote access capability
${remote_additional_requirements} Additional requirements for work from home
${remote_max_operation} Max time operable working from home
${transfer_process} Can the processes be transferred to another team?
${transfer_who} The person/team/department who will take over the process
${transfer_location} Person/team/department transferred to
${transfer_max_operation} Max time operable on transferred person/team/department
${transfer_additional_site_info} Additional information for alternate team
${workplace_alternate} Can staff be relocated?
${alternative_workplaces_name} Alternative Workplace
${alternative_workplaces} Alternative Workplaces with staff distribution
${alternative_workplaces_table:<font size>} Alternative Workplaces with staff distribution in Word table format
:<font size> is optional. Example usage: ${alternative_workplaces_table:9} for a 9 pt font size
${alternative_workplaces_comments} The comments to each alternative workplace location
${alternative_workplaces_comments_table} The comments to each alternative workplace location in Word table format
${workplace_additional_comments} Additional comment on alternate workplace
${bia} The name of the BIA
${business_unit} The name of the business unit
${department} The name of the department(s)
${org_team} The name of the organisational team(s)
${geography} The name of the geography(ies)